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Cover for Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects
Ed. David Evans Frantz et al.

Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects

A compelling exploration of trans art, activism, and resistance through unique objects Softcover Edition
Surveying over four centuries, this volume brings together a wide-ranging selection of artworks and artefacts that highlight under-recognised histories of trans and gender-nonconforming communities. Through the contributions of artists, writers, poets, activists, and scholars, this title reflects on historical erasure to imagine trans futures.
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40,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Lotte Laserstein
Ed. Anna-Carola Krausse et al.

Lotte Laserstein

Ett delat liv
The German-Swedish painter Lotte Laserstein (1898-1993) is one of the most exciting rediscoveries of recent years. The richly illustrated book with essays on Laserstein’s production in Berlin and her reception in Sweden as well as unpublished documentary material will enrich the existing knowledge of Laserstein’s life and work.
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50,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Advance of the Rear Guard
Ed. Michael Duncan

Advance of the Rear Guard

Ceeje Gallery: Out of the Mainstream in 1960s California
Los Angeles art of the past is a treasure trove, awaiting full excavation. Hiding in plain sight have been offbeat and lyrical works by an ethnically diverse group of artists who exhibited in a 1960s gallery with an alternative take on the mainstream: Ceeje Gallery, the dream project of gay couple, Cecil Hedrick and Jerry Jerome.
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Lotte Laserstein
Ed. Anna-Carola Krausse et al.

Lotte Laserstein

A Divided Life
The German-Swedish painter Lotte Laserstein (1898-1993) is one of the most exciting rediscoveries of recent years. The richly illustrated book with essays on Laserstein’s production in Berlin and her reception in Sweden as well as unpublished documentary material will enrich the existing knowledge of Laserstein’s life and work.
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50,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Erwin Osen
Ed. Christian Bauer

Erwin Osen

Egon Schiele´s Artist Friend
As the charismatic artist friend of Egon Schiele, Erwin Osen also left his mark on the key early years of Expressionism in Vienna. His multi-faceted relationship with Schiele reached an intensity that inspired Egon Schiele’s radical creative work, resulting in masterpieces of Austrian art. Erwin Osen was forgotten, but is now waiting to be rediscovered.
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52,00 $ [US]
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Cover for To Be Seen
Ed. Karolina Kühn et al.

To Be Seen

Queer Lives 1900–1950
The contributions that have been assembled in this volume present the story of queer lives – from the first emancipation movements around the turn of the (last) century via attempts at self-empowerment in the Weimar Republic to the destruction of queer subcultures under the National Socialist regime and the continued discrimination of LGBTIQ* persons in the postwar period.
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39,95 $ [US]
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Cover for EVA & ADELE
Ed. Nicole Gnesa


Keep the Rosy Wing Strong
EVA & ADELE’s work finds its raison d’être in their permanent, lifelong performance which takes place worldwide throughout the public space. The work group CUM (lat. WITH) is the essence of the interactive process. It was acknowledged as early as 1997 in the Sprengel Museum with the solo exhibition CUM, and is continued to this day in a variety of media.
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50,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Andy Warhol. Drag & Draw
Nina Schleif

Andy Warhol. Drag & Draw

The Unknown Fifties
This book highlights two series of little known drawings from the 1950's, drawings where Andy Warhol first explored the controversial and for him deeply personal subject of drag. His oeuvre during the first decade of his career, before he became the godfather of Pop, has proven to be enormously influential on his life's work, yet so far has not received due attention.
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39,95 $ [US]
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Cover for Barbara Hammer
Ed. Staci Bu Shea et al.

Barbara Hammer

Evidentiary Bodies
Barbara Hammer (b. 1939) is an American feminist artist known as a pioneer of queer experimental and documentary film. The monograph accompanies an extensive exhibition at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, celebrating the depth and expanse of Hammer's five decades of art making.
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29,95 $ [US]
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Cover for EVA & ADELE
special edition
Ed. Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris


You Are My Biggest Inspiration. Early Works
The exhibition "You Are my Biggest Inspiration" in the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris is the first comprehensive solo show of the early work of the radical artist duo EVA & ADELE. In addition to their very first joint work, the video installation HELLAS, the publication shows for the first time early key works which focus attention on the Gesamtkunstwerk EVA & ADELE.
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42,00 $ [US]
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