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Sacral Art
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Cover for Tabo - Gods of Light
Peter van Ham

Tabo - Gods of Light

The Indo-Tibetan Masterpiece - Revisited Neuauflage
Over one thousand years old, the Buddhist monastery complex of Tabo with its exquisitely preserved works of art ranks among the most fascinating cultural and historical treasures of mankind. The new edition of this richly illustrated volume shows the beauty of  these legendary sanctuaries for the first time in the highest digital resolution and describes in detail the entire gamut of Western Tibetan artistic styles.
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60,00 €
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Cover for SEX. Jewish Positions
Ed. Miriam Goldmann et al.
Sensuous, bold and topical – this volume with its varied illustrations studies the entire spectrum of Jewish ideas about sexuality. In doing so it examines widely-held and contradictory stereotypes, according to which Jewish tradition either supports sexuality or restricts it through stringent regulations.
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39,90 €
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Cover for Hugo van der Goes
Ed. Erik Eising et al.

Hugo van der Goes

Between Pain and Bliss
Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440–1482) was the most important Netherlandish artist of the second half of the 15th century. His innovative pictorial compositions are characterised by monumental figures and realistic narrative moments. They paved the way for the development of Netherlandish painting during the following centuries.
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55,00 €
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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14,90 €
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Cover for The Art of Orientation
Ed. Mona AlJalhami et al.

The Art of Orientation

An Exploration of the Mosque Through Objects
"The Art of Orientation" explores the mosque through 125 artefacts from across the Islamic world. It employs an original and contemporary approach by incorporating essays by leading Arab and international authors, which provide a fresh interpretation of the cultural history behind the shown objects by interweaving concepts, histories and ideas.
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50,00 €
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Cover for Icons
Ed. Eva Fischer-Hausdorf et al.


Worship and Adoration
When considering the term icon, how can the idea of cultic worship be connected with the concept of the transcendental today? The qualities of the traditional icon continue to have an effect, particularly in the spiritual presence and auratic power of many modern and contemporary artworks. This volume presents masterpieces which express aspects of spirituality and reverence in a variety of individual ways.
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39,90 €
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Cover for Nicola and Giovanni Pisano
Max Seidel
Nicola and Giovanni Pisano – father and son – are the most important makers of Italian Gothic sculpture. Their pulpits (1260 –1311) in Pisa, Siena and Pistoia are materpieces of European sculpture and continue to amaze viewers.
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150,00 €
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Cover for Alexander Dettmar Painting to Remember

Alexander Dettmar Painting to Remember

The Destroyed German Synagogues
On the evening of November 9, 1938 the synagogues in almost all of Germany’s towns and cities went up in flames. The artist Alexander Dettmar has made it his task to save this lost cultural heritage from total oblivion by capturing the burnt-down buildings in his paintings.
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39,90 €
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Cover for Holy Smoke
Ed. Beate Fricke

Holy Smoke

Censers Across Cultures
"Holy Smoke: Censers Across Cultures" investigates the practice of incense – the use of material objects to communicate with the divine – in religious context as it has been used in cultures worldwide across historical periods, religions, and cultures.
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49,90 €
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released on 05/2025
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