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Cover for Calatrava
Nick Mafi


Santiago Calatrava is primarily known for his spectacular architectural feats that span the globe. Yet he has never limited himself to architecture alone; rather, he sees himself as an artist. With his painting, sketching, drawing, sculpture, intervention on ceramic, installations and architecture, art represents for Calatrava the purest path for conveying emotion. This comprehensive publication is completely devoted to Calatrava’s art, revealing his unmistakable style and profound creativity. ...
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Cover for Upcycling Havana
Ed. Boris Perez Vasquez et al.

Upcycling Havana

Fashion, Art & Architecture
Havanna – the vibrant capital of Cuba – delights the visitor with its brightly coloured façades, American vintage cars and Caribbean flair. Along with the city’s tourist hotspots, this guidebook leads you to the latest workshops of sustainable fashion designers and selected "upcycled" architectural highlights as well as trendy bars and shops which enable you to experience Havana in a completely new way as it undergoes its current transformation into a modern city. ...
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19,90 €
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Cover for Everything at Once
Ed. Bundeskunsthalle Bonn

Everything at Once

Postmodernity, 1967-1992
In the postmodern era the conflicts of the present day, from right-wing populism to identity politics, were already in evidence. Spectacular examples from the fields of design, architecture, cinema, pop music, philosophy, art and literature tell of the beginnings of the information society, the unleashing of the financial markets, subcultures, disco, punk, techno-pop, shoulder pads and Memphis furniture.
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49,90 €
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Cover for Land Art as Climate Action
Ed. Robert Ferry et al.

Land Art as Climate Action

Designing the 21st Century City Park Land Art Generator Initiative, Mannheim
A beautiful regenerative landscape emerges within a city park, integrating clean energy in ways that improve human thriving. Land Art as Climate Action: Designing the 21st Century City Park expands the realm of the possible using existing clean energy technologies to create beautiful, sculptural modules that can plug into the smart post-carbon city.
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Cover for Magyar Modern
Ed. Ralf Burmeister et al.

Magyar Modern

Hungarian Art in Berlin 1910-1933
Important artists of Hungarian Classical Modernism lived and worked temporarily on the banks of the Spree and were present in the Berlin avant-garde. The publication presents a brilliant overview of the close links between the culture of the Weimar Republic and the creative forces of Hungary, which ended with the seizure of power by the National Socialists.
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Cover for Grün
Regine Keller


Günther Grzimek: Planning, Design, Program
The Olympiapark in Munich is one of the most famous projects of the landscape architect Günther Grzimek (1915–1996), yet his entire oeuvre has proved to be pioneering and timeless. He advocated for a new form of urban green space in Germany, a “demokratisches Grün” (democratic green space), while also campaigning for practice-oriented training in landscape architecture.
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Cover for Rust Red
Peter Latz

Rust Red

The Landscape Park Duisburg Nord E-Book-Edition
In the 1990s the landscape architect Peter Latz and his team  developed a park beyond all fashions and trends. This volume provides insights into twelve years of planning and realisation through photographs, sketches, plans and explanations, and reveals to the reader  the fascinating world that follows the industry.
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Cover for Heidi Horten Collection
Ed. Agnes Husslein-Arco et al.

Heidi Horten Collection

The House and its History
A new art location will be opening in the heart of Vienna in the spring of 2022. The museum for the famous collection of Heidi Goëss-Horten will be completed between the Albertina and the Opera House. The first museum publication is dedicated to the creation of this new exhibition venue, its architecture and construction history, positioning it within the context of the foundation of new museums.
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45,00 €
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Cover for Santiago Calatrava in the Glyptothek
Ed. Cristina Carrillo de Albornoz et al.
Santiago Calatrava’s (* 1951) encounter with the sculpture collection at the Glyptothek in Munich thirty years ago prompted him to create an extensive series of sculptures with the title Die Aegineten (The Aeginetans). This volume focuses attention for the first time on the sculptures and paintings of the famous architect and shows how he was influenced by Antiquity.
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38,00 €
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Cover for Olmsted Trees
Tom Avermaete et al.

Olmsted Trees

Stanley Greenberg
Frederick Law Olmsted (1822 – 1903) is considered as the father of landscape architecture in the United States and created several renowned urban parks and park systems around the country. With a stunning black and white series of trees by Stanley Greenberg dating to the beginnings of these parks this volume offers an intimate encounter with Olmsted, his motifs and heritage.
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39,90 €
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