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Cover for Grün
Regine Keller


Günther Grzimek: Planning, Design, Program
The Olympiapark in Munich is one of the most famous projects of the landscape architect Günther Grzimek (1915–1996), yet his entire oeuvre has proved to be pioneering and timeless. He advocated for a new form of urban green space in Germany, a “demokratisches Grün” (democratic green space), while also campaigning for practice-oriented training in landscape architecture.
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Cover for The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich
Ed. Andreas Hemmerle et al.

The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich

E-Book 3rd revised, enlarged, and newly designed edition
A century of works history: the e-book extends across 272 pages from the beginnings of the Otto Works in 1913 to the latest investments, which will enable the works to reposition themselves in important areas by 2018. The authors sketch a fascinating picture of this unique production location of the world famous BMW brand.
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29,90 €
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Cover for The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich
Ed. Andreas Hemmerle et al.

The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich

3rd revised, enlarged, and newly designed edition Hardcover edition
The roots of the BMW Group lie in Munich. History was written here. The third edition of the book is being published in the jubilee year of the Munich home plant. It looks back on 100 years of lively history and describes the eventful present with impressive photographs and interesting stories from 1922 – 2022.
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34,90 €
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Cover for The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich
Ed. Andreas Hemmerle et al.

The BMW Group Home Plant in Munich

3rd revised, enlarged, and newly designed edition Paperback edition
The roots of the BMW Group lie in Munich. History was written here. The third edition of the book is being published in the jubilee year of the Munich home plant. It looks back on 100 years of lively history and describes the eventful present with impressive photographs and interesting stories from 1922 – 2022.
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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14,90 €
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Cover for Marianne von Werefkin
Brigitte Salmen

Marianne von Werefkin

The Great Masters of Art
She was not only a talented artist but also a shrewd free thinker and hostess: at the beginning of the twentieth century famous artists including Wassily Kandinsky, Gabriele Münter, Alfred Kubin, Adolf Erbslöh, Erma Bossi, Franz Marc and August Macke assembled in Marianne von Werefkin’s salon in the Schwabing district of Munich.
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13,90 €
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Cover for BMW i
Ed. Andreas Braun


Visionary Mobility
Electro-mobility is the number one topic when it comes to our mobility in the future. What does the vision of BMW, Germany’s main pioneer in the field, look like? For the first time providing extensive insight into BMW’s workshop of ideas, this volume presents the multi-faceted concept for sustainable and visionary mobility right up to autonomous driving.
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49,90 €
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Cover for Gerhard Berger
Ed. Jürgen B. Tesch

Gerhard Berger

Between Worlds
In decades of artistic production Gerhard Berger (born in 1933) has arrived at a unique, characteristic visual language. His representation of humans, oscillating between figurative and abstract painting, is rooted in the great myths of humankind and in the religious visual conceptions of the world’s cultures.  
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Cover for The Filmmaker's View

The Filmmaker's View

100 Years of ARRI
“The best just got better” is how the new ARRI camera is advertised, and indeed the slogan is a perfect summary of the career of the company. To mark the centenary 100 famous film makers describe their experiences with ARRI – a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes and an entertaining journey from the era of celluloid to the age of digital films.
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49,90 €
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Cover for Les pinacothèques de Bavière
Ed. Bernhard Maaz

Les pinacothèques de Bavière

Trésors et musées des Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen Französische Ausgabe
Die Bayerischen Staatsgemäldesammlungen genießen Weltruhm. Jahr für Jahr strömen Besucher aus allen Ländern in die Pinakotheken Münchens. Doch wissen die Wenigsten, dass sich der hochkarätige Bestand dieser einzigartigen Sammlung weit über die Stadt hinaus erstreckt. Dieser attraktive Band führt nun erstmals durch alle 19 Galerien der Staatsgemäldesammlungen in Bayern.
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12,90 €
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