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Artist Biography
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Cover for Asger Jorn
Lucas Haberkorn et al.

Asger Jorn

Aesthetic Squalls from the North
Der dänische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer Asger Jorn (1914–1973) zählt zu den einf lussreichsten europäischen Künstlern der Nachkriegszeit. In seiner experimentierfreudigen Kunst verbinden sich Surrealismus, Dada, abstrakter Expressionismus, Informel und Action-Painting mit skandinavischer Volkskunst und nordischer Mythologie.
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12,90 €
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Cover for Stephan Huber
Ed. Petra Giloy-Hirtz et al.

Stephan Huber

Gran Paradiso
Beauty, terror, grandeur, awe – the mountain world has always fascinated people. Stephan Huber climbs the snow-covered summits in miniature. In his sculptures he imitates the relief of the mountains and creates object-like works with a theatrical flair. This comprehensive volume reproduces the Alpine cosmos in the powerful images which have been the focus of Huber’s work for more than four decades.  
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48,00 €
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Cover for Parviz Tanavoli
Ed. Pantea Haghighi

Parviz Tanavoli

Poets, Locks, Cages
Parviz Tanavoli – who has been widely recognised as the only Iranian artist to fully capture the duality and interplay of Iran’s pre-Islam and Islamic cultural identities – created a visual symbology through his sculptural work that would have a lasting impact on modernism in Iran.
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55,00 €
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Cover for Chagall
Ed. Ilka Voermann


Verden i opprør Norwegian edition
Marc Chagall (1887–1985) is regarded as the poet amongst modernist artists. His works from the 1930s and 1940s are less well known. In them, his bright  colour palette became darker. Even in the early 1930s, Chagall addressed the increasingly aggressive anti-Semitism and touched in his artistic works on central themes such as identity, homeland and exile.
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Cover for Der Mucha
Ed. Susanne Gaensheimer et al.

Reinhard Mucha

An Initial Suspicion
… For me, things only become interesting when they contain some mysterious corner somewhere which continues to elude us. And so I am really rather sorry that Mucha was not included, because he is formally incredibly good and is nonetheless twice or three times as unfathomable. Harald Szeemann, “Zeitinvestition zu knapp”, in: Kunstforum International, vol. 90 (documenta 8: Kunst auf dem Prüfstand), July–September 1987
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45,00 €
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Cover for Agnes Pelton
Gilbert Vicario

Agnes Pelton

The Great Masters of Art
The spiritually inspired pictures of Agnes Pelton (1881–1961) have their roots in the desert of California, a place where the artist settled in 1932 and where she lived until her death. She wrote of her highly symbolic paintings that her pictures were “like little windows”, which opened up a view into the interior, her “message of light to the world”.
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13,90 €
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Cover for Gustav Klimt
Wilfried Rogasch

Gustav Klimt

The Great Masters of Art
Gustav Klimt is the one artist whose name we associate in particular with Viennese Jugendstil and the “Golden Age”. As a sought-after painter of frescoes and the founding president of the Vienna Secession, the portraitist of fashionable ladies and an illustrator of unashamed eroticism, Klimt was both the enfant terrible and the darling of Viennese society.
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13,90 €
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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14,90 €
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Cover for Florine Stettheimer
Barbara Bloemink
This first full biography confirms Florine Stettheimer as one of the 20th century’s most significant, progressive artists whose work remains highly relevant today. Stettheimer was a feminist and a multi-media artist who painted several sexually explicit, political works examining identity issues documenting New York City’s growth as the center of cultural life, finance, and entertainment between the World Wars..
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39,90 €
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Cover for Conrad Felixmüller
David Riedel

Conrad Felixmüller

The Great Masters of Art
Conrad Felixmüller (1897–1977) is regarded as one of the most important representatives of the Second Generation of German Expressionism. He celebrated initial major successes with his art during the Weimar Republic. This volume illustrates the life and work of this unusual artist, whose creative career reflects more than half a century of art and contemporary history.  
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