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Cover for Leon Kelly
Jourdan Uwe

Leon Kelly

Beyond Surrealism
The American artist Leon Kelly (1901–1982) is known for his surrealist work. However, his career, which spanned fifty years, was also influenced by cubism, abstraction and social realism. With handsome full-page reproductions, this volume provides a new look at the extensive oeuvre of a fascinating artist with an innately reclusive nature.
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45,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Max Pechstein
Aya Soika et al.

Max Pechstein

Vision und Werk / Vision and Work
The Expressionist and “Brücke” artist Max Pechstein was a pioneering representative of modernism in Germany. His intensely colourful depictions of people and nature are regarded as foundational to Expressionism and were a defining inspiration for an entire epoch. This publication magnificently illustrates the diversity and depth of his oeuvre.
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45,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Amnon David Ar
Martin Kiefer et al.

Amnon David Ar

Light Years
Anyone who has seen Amnon David Ar’s luminous, colourful works will not forget them. His highly aesthetic paintings show subjects that are often humorous and that create a tension field between fantasy and reality. This volume shows all the artist’s creative phases and directs our gaze to the remarkable qualities of ostensibly inconspicuous objects.
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32,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Helen Frankenthaler
Douglas Dreishpoon et al.

Helen Frankenthaler

Move and Make
Helen Frankenthaler’s (1928–2011) radical approach to paint and material makes images pulsate with color. During the postwar period in the United States, she was a leading figure in abstract art. This volume brings together nearly fifty works, providing a comprehensive overview of the world’s largest private collection of Helen Frankenthaler’s works – on display at the recently opened Museum Reinhard Ernst in Wiesbaden.  
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35,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Wolfgang Balk
Martin Tschechne

Wolfgang Balk

The Colour of Landscape
The most beautiful stage sets are created by nature: Light, clouds and landscape combine to make dramatic shadow plays and nuanced colour palettes. Wolfgang Balk captures this beauty in his highly aesthetic abstract landscape paintings. They guide us into a wonderful world full of shapes and colours.  
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39,95 £ [UK]
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Ed. Ralph Gleis et al.


Renaissance Master Drawings on Colored Ground
"Dürer’s Praying Hands" is one of the world’s most popular artworks. Few artists have changed the art world more profoundly than Leonardo and Dürer. Both bring their subjects to life with breathtaking virtuosity, creating masterpieces of incredible intimacy.  
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45,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Leiko Ikemura
Ed. Lisa Felicitas Mattheis

Leiko Ikemura

Floating Spheres
The Japanese-Swiss artist Leiko Ikemura (b. 1951) has created an internationally recognized and unmistakable body of work. In her artistic universe, there is an interweaving of plant and animal figures, landscapes and the human face. This richly illustrated volume encompasses her entire oeuvre from the 1980s to the present, with graphic art, paintings, and sculpture.  
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36,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Asger Jorn
Lucas Haberkorn et al.

Asger Jorn

Aesthetic Squalls from the North
Der dänische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer Asger Jorn (1914–1973) zählt zu den einf lussreichsten europäischen Künstlern der Nachkriegszeit. In seiner experimentierfreudigen Kunst verbinden sich Surrealismus, Dada, abstrakter Expressionismus, Informel und Action-Painting mit skandinavischer Volkskunst und nordischer Mythologie.
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No Price.
Cover for Von Odesa nach Berlin - From Odesa to Berlin - Europäische Malerei des 16. bis 19. Jahrhunderts - European Painting from the 16th to 19th Century
Ed. Dagmar Hirschfelder et al.

From Odesa to Berlin

European Painting from the 16th to 19th Century
Important masterpieces of European painting from the Ukrainian city of Odesa have been preserved from the threat of damage during the ongoing war. In this magnificently produced volume, the collection shines forth in superlative reproductions alongside texts in English, German, and Ukrainian – a symbol of solidarity with Ukraine and its cultural institutions.  
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35,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Acts of Art in Greenwich Village
Ed. Re’al Christian et al.
This comprehensive account of the six-year history of Acts of Art, a gallery founded by and for Black artists in Greenwich Village in 1969, includes a complete exhibition record, biographies of the gallery’s key artists, and entries on important group exhibitions and events.  
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29,95 £ [UK]
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