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Art 21st Century
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Cover for How to Survive
Ed. Francesca Du Brock

How to Survive

Living with Care in the Climate Crisis
Essays, visual narratives, and interviews explore practices of care and present possibilities for living differently in a fragile age. Artists and culture bearers consider bonds of love, responsibility, and reciprocity, encouraging consideration of our inherent interdependence with one another, with other creatures, and with the planet itself.
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35,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Saya Woolfalk
Ed. Alexandra Schwartz

Saya Woolfalk

The Empathic Universe
Saya Woolfalk: The Empathic Universe is the first full-scale monograph on this internationally renowned multidisciplinary artist. Woolfalk’s immersive installations are as visually stunning as they are intellectually engaging, winning ardent admirers worldwide. Lavishly illustrated, this volume surveys two decades of Woolfalk’s groundbreaking work including the artist’s: garment-based sculptures, installations, videos, paintings, and live performances.
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36,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Save Land
Ed. Bundeskunsthalle Bonn et al.

Save Land.

United for Land
Land is a crucial basis for life on our planet and must be preserved. This richly illustrated publication, which brings together works of art and science, raises awareness of the ecological restoration ofland. With contributions from authors from the global North and South, including indigenous perspectives on the topic of renaturalisation, it inspires people to take action.
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39,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Mack Reflected
Ed. Alistair Hudson et al.

Mack Reflected

expanding the ZERO code
A particular quality of Heinz Mack’s art is its relevance regarding questions of our time. By means of works from all creative periods the book examines Mack’s relationship to technology, science and nature and offers exciting approaches, for example with regard to the present-day challenges of the transformation of technology or the climate catastrophe.
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45,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Hans Haacke
Ed. Galerie Belvedere et al.

Hans Haacke

English Edition
Hans Haacke is a legend of political conceptual art – and at the same time, his work is highly topical and of great relevance today. As a founding figure of artistic institutional critique, Haacke redefined the relationship between art and society and influenced following generations of artists. This lavishly illustrated volume presents a comprehensive introduction to the German-American artist with works from 1959 to the present day.
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46,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for We Will Go Right Up to the Sun
Ed. Astrid Ihle et al.

We Will Go Right Up to the Sun

Female Pioneers of Geometric Abstraction
Geometric abstraction as a worldview: artists like Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Sonia Delaunay played an essential part in the development of non- representational art. The volume presents an overview of the evolution of geometric abstract art and in addition to the applied arts takes into account the female perspective of the Global South with promising new discoveries.
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50,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Zigi Ben-Haim
Emireth Herrera Valdes et al.

Zigi Ben-Haim

A Journey of Discovery
Zigi Ben-Haim is a painter and sculptor who works with aluminium, wire mesh, burlap, newsprint and unconventional materials. His constant reinvention gives his work a dynamic and powerful vibration that sparks curiosity in its viewers and never fails to surprise.
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42,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Anne Duk Hee Jordan
Ed. Barbara Horvath et al.

Anne Duk Hee Jordan

The End Is Where We Start From
The artist Anne Duk Hee Jordan (*1978) was born in Korea and grew up in Germany. She argues in a sensuous and humorous manner that we as humans should see ourselves as a part of the ecosystem. Jordan’s multimedia, immersive installations create a mysterious and at the same time whimsical world inspired by marine life, geology, sexuality, procreation and symbiosis.
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36,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Calatrava - Art
Nick Mafi

Calatrava - Art

The first publication on Calatrava’s artistic work in its entirety
Santiago Calatrava is primarily known for his spectacular architectural feats that span the globe. Yet he has never limited himself to architecture alone; rather, he sees himself as an artist. With his painting, sketching, drawing, sculpture, intervention on ceramic, installations and architecture, art represents for Calatrava the purest path for conveying emotion. This comprehensive publication is completely devoted to Calatrava’s art, revealing his unmistakable style and profound creativity. ...
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60,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Robert Longo
Ed. Elsy Lahner et al.

Robert Longo

Englische Ausgabe
Robert Longo’s work captures moments of tension in nature, politics and history at their emotional climax. Presented at a monumental scale, the size and virtuoso technique of his photorealistic charcoal drawings enhance his powerful imagery.
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45,00 £ [UK]
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