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Mural Art
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Cover for Tabo - Gods of Light
Peter van Ham

Tabo - Gods of Light

The Indo-Tibetan Masterpiece - Revisited Neuauflage
Over one thousand years old, the Buddhist monastery complex of Tabo with its exquisitely preserved works of art ranks among the most fascinating cultural and historical treasures of mankind. The new edition of this richly illustrated volume shows the beauty of  these legendary sanctuaries for the first time in the highest digital resolution and describes in detail the entire gamut of Western Tibetan artistic styles.
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55,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for Tibetan Mustang
Luigi Fieni et al.

Tibetan Mustang

A Cultural Renaissance
Photographers Luigi Fieni and Kenneth Parker document the cultural revival of Tibetan Mustang “the hidden kingdom” of the Himalayas. A restoration project of its sacred temple murals directed by Luigi Fieni over more than 20 years has reawakened Buddhist traditions. Included is Mustang’s extraordinary landscape as well as the Lobas’ spiritual and secular way of life.
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65,00 £ [UK]
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Cover for All the Beauty at Hand
Ed. Thomas Zuhr

All the Beauty at Hand

A Brief History of Hirmer Publishers
Founded in 1948, Hirmer Publishers soon established a name for art books produced to the highest standards. Over the past decade they have become equally well-known in English-speaking countries, with a reputation as one of the most prestigious publishers in this field. This survey of English titles from 2010 to 2020 encompasses a wealth of subjects across the centuries, from antiquity to the modern age.  
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13,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Hermann Stenner
Christoph Wagner

Hermann Stenner

A Pioneer of German Expressionism
The painter Hermann Stenner (1891–1914) was one of the outstanding talents of the 20th century. It is impressive to note that he achieved his rapid artistic development and distinct pictorial language during just five years of study and creative work. His remarkably extensive oeuvre is being rediscovered today following his death at an early age during the First World War.  
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9,95 £ [UK]
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Cover for Maria Theresa and the Arts
Ed. Georg Lechner et al.
The 300th birthday of Empress Maria Theresia provides an opportunity to examine her outstanding interest in the fine arts. At the invitation of the reforming monarch a large number of painters, sculptors and other artists in Austria and abroad found a wealth of work opportunities. Correspondingly, this era has left its mark on the countries of the former Habsburg monarchy to this day.
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38,00 £ [UK]
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