Inspiration Southern France: A life’s work as tribute to the nature experience
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Jürgen Schilling
Natur der Landschaft / Nature du paysage / Nature of Landscape
For the past forty years, Jürgen Schilling (b. 1954) has been drawing the landscape of southern France. The art historian Wilhelm Schlink has accompanied his career from the beginning as a friend and collaborative thinker. Schlink describes in lively manner the artist’s approaches and reflections, especially against the background of the current debate about contemporary interpretations of the landscape.
Since the 1970s Jürgen Schilling has found inspiration in the rough countryside between the Mediterranean, the Corbières and the Minervois, where the natural elements can be experienced at first hand. Based on his studies of art history and philosophy relating to the broad field of landscape representation, he has created an oeuvre driven by the imperative of doing justice to events and experiences. Schilling uses in his work the raw materials and pigments found on location. A first retrospective of his work was held in Carcassonne in 2012.
press commentaries
Der aufwendig gestaltete Band zeigt umfangreich und kenntnisreich das Schaffen der künstlerischen Besonderheit von Jürgen Schillings Werk.
Für Kunstinteressierte absolut zu empfehlen, denn dieser Bildband hat mehr zu bieten als "nur" Zeichnungen.
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Text: German / English / French
192 pages, 120 colour illustrations
26 × 29 cm, hardcover
192 pages, 120 colour illustrations
26 × 29 cm, hardcover
ISBN: 978-3-7774-3687-6
Drawing, contemporary Art, 21st century