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Cover for Hermann Hertzberger
Wolfgang Jean Stock

Hermann Hertzberger

Strukturalismus / Structuralism
The architect Herman Hertzberger (*1932) is the most important representative of Dutch Structuralism. This movement, which emerged in 1960, is highly regarded in modern architecture and takes as its starting point an archetypal behaviour of humankind. Consequently, buildings must satisfy both the individual and the social needs of those who use them: architecture must be “inviting”.  
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for True Colors - Farbe in der Fotografie von 1849 bis 1955
Ed. Anna Hanreich et al.

True Colors

Color in Photography from 1849 to 1955
The desire for color photos has prevailed over the world of photography from the very beginning. What were the early techniques? And when did color become accessible to everyone? This volume traces the exciting path from the medium’s beginnings in the nineteenth century to widely used analog color photography with the first Kodak color slide film in 1936.  
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55,00 $ [US]
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Cover for T. Lux Feininger
Ed. Katrin Arrieta et al.

T. Lux Feininger

Modern Romanticism
The astonishing work of T. Lux Feininger (1910–2011) – from aquatic worlds to the cosmos of animal and plant life all the way to geometric abstraction, this lavishly illustrated volume provides a multifaceted new approach to the artist. Paintings and drawings, photographs, set designs, and commercial graphic works offer a comprehensive view of the artist and an expression of modern romanticism.  
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Xanti Schawinsky
Torsten Blume et al.

Xanti Schawinsky

Play, Life, Illusion A Retrospective in texts, letters and images
Play Life Illusion – the retrospective in book form refers to the title of a performance which Xanti Schawinsky developed in 1936 with students at Black Mountain College. The Swiss artist who worked at the Bauhaus in Weimar and Dessau emigrated in the 1930s via Italy to the United States. The volume assembles autobiographical texts and letters regarding the life’s work of the multimedial artist and designer.
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42,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Erwin Wurm
Ed. Antonia Hoerschelmann et al.

Erwin Wurm

English Edition
With his Fat Cars and Tiny Houses, his sculptures of cucumbers, and sausages, Erwin Wurm (b. 1954) shines a critical spotlight on consumer society’s manipulative mechanisms and their effects. On the occasion of Wurm’s 70th birthday this extensive catalogue  documents all of the important stations of Erwin Wurm’s artistic career to date.
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58,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Narrative Wisdom and African Arts
Ed. Nichole N. Bridges
"Narrative Wisdom and African Arts" explores how historical and contemporary African arts make visible narratives rooted in collective and individual memory and knowledge. Historical works made by artists across sub-Saharan Africa during the thirteenth to twentieth centuries dialogue with contemporary works by African artists working around the globe.
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Surrealism
Ed. Institut für Kulturaustausch, Tübingen et al.


Worlds in Dialogue
Surrealism revolutionised art with fantastic, radically subjective motifs. As a political and international movement, the artists wanted to change society. The topicality of their ideas enables a fascinating comparison between important pioneers of Surrealism and the following generations of artists.
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Ode to a Cemetery
Cole Swensen

Ode to a Cemetery

Bethany Eden Jacobson
Green-Wood, founded in 1838, was a leader in the Rural Cemetery movement in America. Its 478 acres encompass magnificent grounds, grand architecture and world-class statuary. Throughout four seasons, Bethany Eden Jacobson’s book captures the spirit of this verdant, history-drenched pastoral cemetery.
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34,95 $ [US]
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Cover for David Katzenstein
Ed. David Katzenstein

David Katzenstein

Distant Journeys
The photographs collected here represent David Katzenstein’s lifelong artistic journey as a visual chronicler of humanity. Travelling to many parts of the world, he experienced other cultures and peoples first-hand. The photographs presented here were drawn from a much larger body of work, with the hope of creating a journey through journeys for the viewer.
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Sherrie Nickol
Ed. Sherrie Nickol
Sherrie Nickol introduces the work of an artist who tells stories, both intimate and profound, with the click of the shutter. The viewer is taken on a journey through time and place, entering scenes familiar, distant, and always inviting. Through portraiture, Nickol documents the lives of women from an early age as they navigate the world around them.
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60,00 $ [US]
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