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Ed. Ralph Gleis et al.


Renaissance Master Drawings on Colored Ground
"Dürer’s Praying Hands" is one of the world’s most popular artworks. Few artists have changed the art world more profoundly than Leonardo and Dürer. Both bring their subjects to life with breathtaking virtuosity, creating masterpieces of incredible intimacy.  
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Leiko Ikemura
Ed. Lisa Felicitas Mattheis

Leiko Ikemura

Floating Spheres
The Japanese-Swiss artist Leiko Ikemura (b. 1951) has created an internationally recognized and unmistakable body of work. In her artistic universe, there is an interweaving of plant and animal figures, landscapes and the human face. This richly illustrated volume encompasses her entire oeuvre from the 1980s to the present, with graphic art, paintings, and sculpture.  
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46,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Asger Jorn
Lucas Haberkorn et al.

Asger Jorn

Aesthetic Squalls from the North
Der dänische Maler, Grafiker und Bildhauer Asger Jorn (1914–1973) zählt zu den einf lussreichsten europäischen Künstlern der Nachkriegszeit. In seiner experimentierfreudigen Kunst verbinden sich Surrealismus, Dada, abstrakter Expressionismus, Informel und Action-Painting mit skandinavischer Volkskunst und nordischer Mythologie.
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Cover for Von Odesa nach Berlin - From Odesa to Berlin
Ed. Dagmar Hirschfelder et al.

From Odesa to Berlin

European Painting from the 16th to 19th Century
Important masterpieces of European painting from the Ukrainian city of Odesa have been preserved from the threat of damage during the ongoing war. In this magnificently produced volume, the collection shines forth in superlative reproductions alongside texts in English, German, and Ukrainian – a symbol of solidarity with Ukraine and its cultural institutions.  
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Acts of Art in Greenwich Village
Ed. Re’al Christian et al.
This comprehensive account of the six-year history of Acts of Art, a gallery founded by and for Black artists in Greenwich Village in 1969, includes a complete exhibition record, biographies of the gallery’s key artists, and entries on important group exhibitions and events.  
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35,00 $ [US]
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Cover for T. Lux Feininger
Ed. Katrin Arrieta et al.

T. Lux Feininger

Modern Romanticism
The astonishing work of T. Lux Feininger (1910–2011) – from aquatic worlds to the cosmos of animal and plant life all the way to geometric abstraction, this lavishly illustrated volume provides a multifaceted new approach to the artist. Paintings and drawings, photographs, set designs, and commercial graphic works offer a comprehensive view of the artist and an expression of modern romanticism.  
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45,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Rembrandt's Amsterdam
Ed. Jochen Sander

Rembrandt's Amsterdam

Golden Times?
During the 17th century, Amsterdam became one of the leading economic centres in Europe. The city and its population grew rapidly, trade and art flourished. The influential bourgeoisie shaped the fortunes of the city and confidently celebrated itself in magnificent group portraits by the city’s leading artists, first and foremost Rembrandt.
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60,00 $ [US]
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Cover for We Will Go Right Up to the Sun
Ed. Astrid Ihle et al.

We Will Go Right Up to the Sun

Female Pioneers of Geometric Abstraction
Geometric abstraction as a worldview: artists like Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Sonia Delaunay played an essential part in the development of non- representational art. The volume presents an overview of the evolution of geometric abstract art and in addition to the applied arts takes into account the female perspective of the Global South with promising new discoveries.
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65,00 $ [US]
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Cover for Zigi Ben-Haim
Emireth Herrera Valdes et al.

Zigi Ben-Haim

A Journey of Discovery
Zigi Ben-Haim is a painter and sculptor who works with aluminium, wire mesh, burlap, newsprint and unconventional materials. His constant reinvention gives his work a dynamic and powerful vibration that sparks curiosity in its viewers and never fails to surprise.
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50,00 $ [US]
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Ed. Eva Karcher et al.


Aesthetics of Freedom
Courageous, free, humorous, touching, and disturbing: these works by fifty international artists show how eccentric means more than neurotic or decadent. Eccentricity resists all kinds of ideology, and indeed it can be an engine of social freedom and tolerance. Through approximately one hundred pieces – including painting, sculpture, installation art, video, and design – diversity is celebrated in ways that defy rigid norms and clichés.  
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42,00 $ [US]
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