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Uta Hassler war bis 2016 Professorin für Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung an der ETH Zürich, seit 2017 ist sie an der Technischen Universität München engagiert.
Approaches to a multi-scale documentation and analysis of transformations
Singapore is rejuvenating and transforming her building stock constantly and in comparatively short cycles. The book analyses these transformations of the global city and shows documents, plans and sources dating from the past two centuries.
Russian engineer Vladimir Shukhov (1853-1939) is known for inventions and engineering challenges that were ahead of his time such as the construction of the first Russian oil-pipeline and the invention of oil-cracking. Shukhovs pioneering ...
Methods of construction were as eclectic as architectural style in the 19th century. This book focusses on the realisation of architecturural projects at the time, their structure, building method and construction theory.